Don’t Forget These 5 Bloody Essentials When Visiting Your Tax Preparer’s Office

by suntech

Are you ready to face the bloody tax season head-on? Well, before you march your arse into your tax preparer’s office, make sure you’ve got these five essential items in tow. Trust me, mate, it’ll save you a world of trouble and keep those wankers at the IRS off your back.

The Almighty Identification

First things first, don’t be a daft bugger and forget to bring along proper identification. Your passport or driver’s license will do just fine. Without this piece of shite, your tax preparer won’t even give you the time of day.

All Those Bloody Receipts

If there’s one thing that can piss off any tax preparer faster than a fart in an elevator, it’s when clients show up without their receipts. So gather all those crumpled bits of paper from last year and stuff them into a folder like a proper organized bloke.

Your Financial Statements

No need to get all fancy here with spreadsheets and whatnot (unless that floats your boat). Just bring along bank statements, investment documents, and anything else that shows where the hell your money is coming from or going to.

A Copy of Last Year’s Return

If you’re not completely braindead (and I hope for humanity’s sake that you aren’t), then remember to grab a copy of last year’s return on your way out the door. This little gem will help jog both yours and your tax preparer’s memory about any deductions or credits you might have claimed previously.

Patiently Waiting Attitude

Last but not least, bring along a bloody patient attitude. Tax preparers deal with all sorts of numpties during the tax season, and they don’t need your whinging or moaning to add to their misery. So sit tight, keep calm, and let them do their job.

In Conclusion

So there you have it, my friend. Before stepping foot into your tax preparer’s office like a lost sheep in the dales, make sure you’ve got these five essentials: identification, receipts, financial statements, last year’s return copy, and most importantly – a patient attitude. By doing so, you’ll save yourself from being labeled as an absolute tosser and ensure that your tax preparation experience goes as smooth as Yorkshire pudding sliding down your gob.

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